The Central Church of Christ is a group of Christians that believe Jesus is the Christ and the son of God, and that through Him we have our salvation and hope.
Fall 2022
As we return to normal after COVID restrictions, we shall have a range of fellowship activities resuming. Watch this space.
Shine in the love of God's grace, every day.
The Central Church of Christ is a family of brothers and sisters in Christ residing in and around Durham, North Carolina. It began in the Fall of 2004 when several families started meeting together to form an additional congregation of the Lord's Church in the Durham area. After moving to a local school to conduct services, growth continued until we moved to our present location. We are seeking to follow and serve the Lord, our Father who has called us to be His children. We invite you to come, see and be part a of our family and enjoy the fellowship we have with each other.
The gospel of Jesus Christ and His doctrine as conveyed by the apostles.
We have qualified brothers who lend their unique preaching talents, pro bono, to expound upon biblical precepts and teachings. This allows us to provide additional support to our missions and outreach programs, as well as tending to local and in house needs.